In this lesson we will learn about how to write the negative in Turkish

Luca Tekkora

In Turkish, creating the negative form of a verb or a sentence is relatively straightforward. There are a few ways to form negatives in Turkish, depending on the context and verb tense. Here are some examples to illustrate how to write negatives in Turkish:

1. Simple Present Tense: To form the negative of a verb in the simple present tense, you add "me" or "ma" before the verb root. Here is an example:

  • Olmak (to be) - Olmak -> Olmamak (not to be)

2. Simple Past Tense: In the simple past tense, you add "me" or "ma" after the verb root. For example:

  • Gitmek (to go) - Gittim (I went) -> Gitmedim (I did not go)

3. Negative Verbs: Certain verbs in Turkish have negative forms, which completely change their meaning. For instance:

  • Almak (to take) - Verme (to not give)

4. Negative Pronouns: In Turkish, negative pronouns can be used to form negative sentences. For example:

  • Hiçbir (none) => Hiçbir şey yapmadım. (I did not do anything.)

5. Using Negation Words: Words like "değil" and "yok" can also be used to create negative sentences. For example:

  • Bu kitap değil. (This is not a book.)

  • Para yok. (There is no money.)

In conclusion, forming negatives in Turkish involves adding specific prefixes or suffixes to verbs, using negative verbs, pronouns, or employing negation words like "değil" and "yok." By understanding these different methods, you can effectively express negation in Turkish sentences.
