In this Lesson

In this lesson, we will delve into the essential vocabulary and phrases that will help you articulate your thoughts and preferences regarding food and drink in Turkish. Whether you are dining out at a restaurant or having a conversation with a friend about your favorite dishes, this lesson will provide you with the tools to express yourself fluently and accurately.

Luca Tekkora

Lesson: How to Talk About Food and Drink



  • Yemek (Food)

  • Kahvaltı (Breakfast)

  • Öğle Yemeği (Lunch)

  • Akşam Yemeği (Dinner)

  • Tatlı (Dessert)

  • Çorba (Soup)

  • Et (Meat)

  • Sebze (Vegetables)

  • Meyve (Fruit)


  • İçecek (Beverage)

  • Su (Water)

  • Çay (Tea)

  • Kahve (Coffee)

  • Meyve Suyu (Fruit Juice)

  • Gazlı İçecek (Soda)

  • Bira (Beer)

  • Şarap (Wine)


Ordering Food

  • Ne yemek istersiniz? (What would you like to eat?)

  • Bir ___ lütfen. (One ___ please.)

  • Benim için ___, lütfen. (For me, ___, please.)

  • Afiyet olsun! (Bon appétit!)

Expressing Preferences

  • En sevdiğim yemek ___. (My favorite food is ___.)

  • Benim için tatlı daha önemli. (Dessert is more important for me.)

  • Et yemeyi tercih ederim. (I prefer to eat meat.)

Talking about Drinks

  • Size ne içecek getireyim? (What would you like to drink?)

  • Çayı şekersiz içerim. (I drink tea without sugar.)

  • Bir bardak su alabilir miyim? (Can I have a glass of water?)

  • İki kahve, lütfen. (Two coffees, please.)

By familiarizing yourself with these words and phrases, you will be well-equipped to discuss food and drink topics with confidence in Turkish. Practice using them in conversations and enjoy exploring the rich culinary world of Turkey!
