In this lesson, we will learn about the use of indirect objects in Turkish

Luca Tekkora

Indirect Objects in Turkish

In Turkish, indirect objects are used to show who benefits from or is affected by the action of the verb. They typically answer the question "to/for whom" or "to/for what." Indirect objects come after the verb and before the direct object in a sentence.


Subject + Indirect Object + Direct Object+ Verb

Example 1:

  • Subject: Ben (I)

  • Indirect Object: sana (to you)

  • Direct Object: kitabı (the book)

  • Verb: verdim (gave)

  • Translation: Ben sana kitabı verdim. (I gave you the book.)

Example 2:

  • Subject: Annem (My mother)

  • Indirect Object: bize (for us)

  • Direct Object: yemeği (the meal)

  • Verb: pişirdi (cooked)

  • Translation: Annem bize yemeği pişirdi. (My mother cooked the meal for us.)

Example 3:

  • Subject: Öğretmen (Teacher)

  • Indirect Object: öğrencisine (for his/her student)

  • Direct Object: ödevi (the homework)

  • Verb: okudu (read)

  • Translation: Öğretmen öğrencisine ödevi okudu. (The teacher read the homework for his/her student.)
